“Failure to tackle drug-resistant infections will lead to at least 10 million extra deaths a year, (largely exceeding the 8.2 million deaths/year from cancer, 1,5 million from diabetes 1.2 million from car accidents) and it will cost the global economy up to $100tn by 2050”.
The Economist, Review on Antimicrobial Resistance directed by Lord O’Neill
The use of BIOVITAE® is a precious resource for our health.
Every day, 24 hours per day, our health is exposed to invisible enemies that, by inhalation or by contact, attack our body. Bacteria, these invisible enemies, represent a great stress for our immune system’s defences, and affect our body when we are vulnerable. Bacteria can be found everywhere: in people and animals, in the food and in the environment (water, soil and air). They can spread from person to person, and from animals to people.
The daily cleaning practices can only remove visible dirt, but they can’t stop bacterial growth and proliferation. BIOVITAE® is able to reduce the bacterial growth allowing us to have a cleaner and healthier place to live.
The abuse and misuse of drugs has triggered a global emergency because bacteria, through a series of mutations, have become drug-resistant, forming new strains (super bugs) that are increasingly stronger and resistant to antibiotics. To challenge what has been called “the greatest threat to modern medicine”, the World Health Organization (WHO) has issued a Global Action Plan highlighting the need to tackle infections through prevention rather than researching new antibiotics, because at some point they would however become ineffective, and prevention is the only weapon that will keep the existing molecules effective.
Antibiotic resistance is the ability of bacteria to remain indifferent to the action of an antibiotic. It can be intrinsic, when the micro-organism has never been affected by a particular antibiotic, or acquired, when bacterial strains that were previously sensitive to a specific antibiotic develop resistance against it.